Getting started
Get voilaInitialization
Config DB
CRUD creation
Take exampleFlash message
create flashcustom flash
use twigdata transfert
csrf protectionHTTPS
force httpsTranslation
Custom flash
Of course you can customize the flash messages, at the display level, the messages are displayed in the src/View/Partal/_messages.html.twig file.
By default, the display looks like this:
‹div class="{{ message.color }}"›{{ message.message }}‹/div›
If you have bootstrap integrated into your layout, you could use a display that looks like this:
‹div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-{{ message.color }}"› ‹button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert"›‹/button› {{ message.message }} ‹/div›
and in your flash message creation, you just use the color, like in this example:
$this->addFlash("success", "all went well");