Getting started
Get voilaInitialization
Config DB
CRUD creation
Take exampleFlash message
create flashcustom flash
use twigdata transfert
csrf protectionHTTPS
force httpsTranslation
Twig data transfert
In your controller, when calling the twig rendering engine (with the $this->twig->render function) it is possible to send data to the views which can be used as variables.
Here is an example that we will be able to explain in detail.
$itemManager = new ItemManager();
$items = $itemManager->selectAll();
return $this->twig->render('Item/index.html.twig', [
'items' => $items,
In this piece of code (from the index method of itemController.php), after calling the table manager and calling the selectAll method, the results are stored in the $items variable.
Next, the twig->render will create a view from the file (in the view folder) Item/index.html.twig.
In this file, the item variable will be available to be displayed there (as long as it is a string or a number)
It is possible to send as many variables as you want, like each element of the array passed as a parameter, the key is the name of the variable available in twig.
return $this->twig->render('Item/index.html.twig', [
'items' => $items,
'theFirstItem' => $items[0],
'nameOfSomething' = "the name of something",
To know the content of a variable, when the site is not in production (by default) it is possible to display an equivalent of var_dump() in the view with the dump() function.
{{ dump(theFirstItem) }}